Frequently Asked Questions

  • Applications are available ONLINE starting in August for the following school year. We do not acknowledge email or phone requests.

  • In-person tours are given once an application has been submitted and completed. You must call the school after September 26th to schedule your tour.

  • We ask parents to send a short, current video clip of their child (approximately three minutes) in lieu of an in-person visit. You are welcome to combine multiple shorter videos into one submission. These clips should be representative of your child and his or her interests. Please note that for Infant and Ones applicants, this is not a requirement.

  • Some suggestions are your childplaying on their own or engaging with another child or adult, outdoor time, drawing or painting. If possible, we would like to capture some language. This can be submitted to Please include your child’s name in the body of the email.

  • Infants must be 6 months old by September 1st to enroll.

    All other age groups (1s, 2s, 3s, 4s) must be that age by September 1st for the class they are enrolling in.

  • Our Threes and Fours students do need to be toilet trained by September of the year they start.

  • In our Infants, Ones, and Twos, it is a gentle process. The class schedule is abbreviated while the children get comfortable in their new environment. Parents are encouraged to take the child's lead until separation is complete. Each child separates differently, so we encourage flexibility.

    The Threes' and Fours' first few days are shortened and then a full schedule begins.

  • Our students attend some of the finest private schools in the city. Please visit our page, Exmissions, to see a complete list. Also, many of our students attend the Board of Education Gifted and Talented (G&T) programs, Hunter College Elementary program, as well as neighborhood schools.

  • The only strollers that may remain on site are for families enrolled in our Infant program. There will be a special designated spot outside our facility. Families of 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s will not be able to leave their strollers outside of the facility. If your child arrives to school in a stroller, you must take it with you after dropping off your child.

  • We do not provide meals. For children who stay for lunch, parents send in their lunch daily.

    Dry snacks are provided daily and fruits/perishables are served periodically throughout the week.

  • We are a nut restricted school, meaning no nuts, nut-butters, or nut-products are allowed in the school. All lunches (for children who bring lunch) must be nut free. All provided snacks are nut free.